Break out the skillet! Farm fresh eggs are back. The baby chicks we brought home in August are laying big bunches of delicious fresh, local eggs.
Bargain Pricing
Right now, many of the eggs we’re getting are medium to large, do we’re only asking $2 a dozen until they get going full steam with large to extra large.
Right now we’re harvesting about 2 dozen a day. If you like, you can call ahead to ask if we have eggs for sale: 603 569 7701.
March is a pretty exciting time for New England farmers: The seed order arrives, we start digging around for seedling trays and heat lamps. Sprouting seeds kick of the re-greening of the dead brown ground being revealed by the quickly retreating snow banks. Karen has broccoli and kale started already, pushing up first leaves. Last week she planted 4 kinds of tomatoes and 3 kinds of peppers. This week, some of the early flowers and herbs will find their spot out on the seedling starting porch.
January 6 and we are still harvesting Kale from the coldframe. Smoothies for breakfast! #kale #nhfarm #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #fiber #antioxidants #heartygreens
I know. It’s been a long and difficult wait for us too. GOOD NEWS: All spring we had to suffer with store bought, cage grown (ew) nasty eggs. But now our new girls at Mercy Hill Farm are finally laying!
Plymouth Barred Rock Laying Hens
The new girls are about 5 months old now and pumping out about two dozen delicious, golden-orange yolked eggs every day. They’re just getting started. Soon we will have 5 or 6 dozen a day. These Plymouth Barred Rocks (above) are curious and friendly, great foragers and love to fight over the tomato hornworms we pluck out of the garden!
Aracauna laying hens
The Aracauna’s are a little more cautious and aloof (the two on the right above are Aracaunas,) but they lay pretty blue and green shelled eggs. They also have a varied and unusual feathering around their faces (like the one below:)
Aracauna Laying Hen Face
It’s also harvest season at Mercy Hill Farm. So in addition to farm fresh eggs, you will find fresh, in season vegetables in our store as well.
Fresh Garden VegetablesPiper on the Patio
Piper says come on by anytime. She’s really excited about the new patio out back; what we call the “Chillax-io.” Stop by and say hello and chillax a bit.
Truly, summer is the most impressive time for taking pictures of the farm. These are snapshots of flowers blooming currently around the house:
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea)Purple Cosmos (Cosmos Asteraceae)Columbine (Aquilegia)Pink Cosmos (Asteraceae)Purple Monarda (Fistulosa) Also known as Bee BalmBlanket Flower (Gaillardia Pulchella)Red Bee Balm (Monarda Didyma)More Cosmos!
We love growing our own food, but we plant a lot of flowers and herbs as well. Flowers not only add to the charm of the farm, but they attract beneficial insects, and produce scents that confuse or even repel pests.
Spring is just around the corner, and we’re excited to start another great farming season.
The baby chicks are camping out in the office until the blustery winds calm down a bit out there.
Piper likes the chicks too.
The are amusing to watch. and they give whole new meaning to the word “twitter.”
Two day old Plymouth Barred Rock Chick.
Hanging round on the feeder..
Piper With Chicks on Her Mind..